Why Is Social Media Suddenly The Enemy?

Why Is Social Media Suddenly The Enemy?

The negative implications of social media for mental health is a topic of hot discussion, fueled even more of late with the recent Netflix documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’.

So we brought the topic to the table. Is social media really as bad for us as it would have us believe?

Social Media - Pros

No one can deny that there are definite benefits. The world as a whole is more connected to one another. Social media allows us to interact with one another regardless of geographical location, we can stay up to date with our friends lives, and even meet new people online! Communicating is easy, and many of us cannot imagine our life without the likes of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and (recently) TikTok.

But there is a yin to the yang. Several of them in fact. Read on…

 Social Media - Less Pro

The age of distraction

You’re on your lunch break. You reach for your phone. Open Instagram. Start scrolling.

You’re on the bus. Facebook time. Scroll.

You’re waiting for an appointment. More scrolling.

Even when we’re in company, we can’t hide our boredom! Talk about anti-social media!

It’s a habit, and we often do it without even thinking about it. Easily bored, many of us today have lost the art to just ‘be’. We crave constant mental stimulation, and input after input, we fill our already busy and racing minds. Is it any wonder that so many of us struggle with anxiety, overwhelm, an inability to switch off at night?

Social media doesn’t help us in this regard. The cheerful ‘ding’ of a notification draws us in, prompting us to open the app and check. Wish John a Happy Birthday! Sandra added a new photo! Jake commented on your post! Once you’re in, the scrolling begins again. Opps - where did those 20 minutes go? Social media apps are fishing for our attention, and only reinforcing the addictive nature of the beast.

Unfortunately, many of us are in the habit of bedtime scrolling! Would you sleep better if you put the phone away half an hour earlier at night? - Not to mention the mental (and physical) health benefits of good quality sleep!  


“Comparison is the thief of joy”

Wise words from Theodore Roosevelt.

Anyone else noticed a drop in mood after checking their social media accounts? I’m sure I’m not the only one to experience a pang of jealousy when seeing a friend’s holiday snaps, engagement photos, or recent house purchase!

Social media provides the prime opportunity for comparison. Logically, we know that the content that we are being exposed to is the ‘highlight reel’ of someones life - their success stories, social events and carefully selected (often filtered) photos. People expose the things that they are proud of, and keep the failures and embarrassments under wrap. Understandably so! Social media is great at reinforcing symptoms of FOMO (‘Fear of Missing Out’ - why didn’t I get invited to that party?) as well as slowly chipping away at our self-image (Why aren’t I as slim as her? Why am I not progressing in my career like he is?) if we allow it to with mindless consumption.


Do the Yangs outweigh the Yins?

In the NAB wellbeing report, Social Media use consistently features on the Negative Impact list!

As with everything, it’s all about moderation. You may want to consider the impact that it’s having on your life personally: 

- Is your social media use impacting on your work productivity, or distracting you during other tasks, like driving?

If you’re finding that you’re getting sucked in by pointless notifications, then you can turn them off in Settings and Privacy --> Settings Notifications.

- How much time are you spending on social media?

You can actually see the number of minutes you’ve spent on Facebook over the past week. Go to Settings and Privacy --> Your Time on Facebook. You can also set daily limits with a reminder when you reach this level!

- Is your social media use impacting on your sleep?

- Are you using social media to distract yourself from other problems or personal insecurities?

- Do you sometimes feel worse after checking social media then you did before-hand?

- Is your social media use impacting on your real-world social life and relationships? (I.e. do you spend more time looking at your phone then you do making eye contact when in the company of others?)


Is it time to take a break from social media? You’ll never know what life is like without it, until you try!


Author: Yolanda van Vugt, Exercise Physiologist 
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